Introduction: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced coenzyme I) is a coenzyme that transmits protons (more accurately, hydrogen ions), which appears in many metabolic reactions of cells. NADH or more accurate NADH+H+is its reduction form. It can be reduced, carrying at most two protons (written as NADH+H+).
Use: beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleoside disodium is a biologically active form of nicotinic acid. Coenzyme used as hydrogenase and dehydrogenase. NAD usually acts as a hydrogen receptor, forms NADH, and then acts as a hydrogen donor in the respiratory chain. It mainly exists in living cells in the form of reduction (NADPH) and participates in the synthesis reaction. There are two forms, α- NAD and β- NAD, which is characterized by the configuration of ribosyl nicotinamide bond. only β- Heterosomes have biological activity.
联系人:Emma Chen
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